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The world’s first multi-pet behaviour analysis camera!

Welcome to a whole new world for you and your fur babies, where you can experience ultimate peace of mind as a pet parent with the help of AI.

SiiPet is a pioneer in tech pet, dedicated to creating a deeper emotional bond and connection between humans and their pets using cutting edge technology with real time monitoring.

We have been lucky enough to get our paws on a SiiPet smart camera, so I can keep a close watch of my dogs and I must say, its impressive.

I have a pack of four pooches, Puggy Smalls, Pops, Pomegranate and YumYum. I’m lucky enough to work from home so they are rarely left alone, but I have found the SiiPet monitor so useful if I need to pop out to run errands, or even if I’m in another room and want to ensure they are all happy and safe.

My dogs are my world and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them, but a multi pet household can be challenging. Especially if like me, your dogs have different needs.

The SiiPet is a game changing tool for me as it has benefits for my whole pack but also allows me to check in my younger, naughty dogs, YumYum and Pomegranate. They are always getting up to mischief, and the two-way audio allows me to speak to them to stop any naughty or destructive behaviour in its tracks!

We also have two older pooches, Pops our senior dachshund and Puggy who is paralysed and uses a doggy wheelchair. As we all know, older dogs are more prone to illness and accidents, and my absolute favourite feature about the SiiPet is that is learns my dogs’ behaviours and sends me an alert if there’s anything unusual.

SiiPet has been developed with over 30 pet behaviour experts from all over the globe and can successfully detect and categorise abnormal behaviours with over 95% accuracy. For example, if one of my dogs is scooting, or develops a limp, SiiPet will inform me via the app so I can get to them as quickly as possible to help. The SiiPet will then store any photos or videos of the abnormal behaviours, so can access them anytime and show a vet or behaviourist as soon as possible to get my dogs treated and back to living their best lives!

As if that’s not enough, SiiPet is also the world’s first pet camera with multi pet identification. This is abundantly helpful for multi-pet households like mine as I can see what each pooch is up to when I’m not around, and each dog has its own highlights section on the App and up to weeks’ worth of playback, so I can save and share any funny moments with family and friends.

Still captured on SiiPet

The quality of SiiPet is awesome, even in low light it manages to capture my pets in all their glory. The 4k Fast capture gives a clear image and the cutting-edge hardware combined with AI algorithms, high speed pet tracking and perfect framing of each dog gives us dog parents an unmatched visual experience, with images and videos I will cherish forever!

My little Pug YumYum is a barky, anxious boy, but the SiiPet allows me to speak to him if he gets stressed and just hearing my voice soothes him and calms him if I cannot be there physically. He’s incredibly noise sensitive which has been an issue in the past with other noisy pet cameras, but the SiiPet is silent and doesn’t cause any him anxiety.

The SiiPet has helped me to be a better pet parent, as I have eyes on my pack every second of the day, and the analytics and alerts give me a greater understanding of my dogs and their needs so I can make positive changes and never miss a moment. Every snapshot of their day to day lives is now transformed into a work of art with perfectly composed photos in a detailed, easy to access memories album on the app.

Although I mention the SiiPet helps to alleviate my pet’s separation anxiety, I must admit, it’s also helped me immensely with any anxieties I have. Before SiiPet, I would feel guilty even leaving them downstairs whilst I had a bath, but the SiiPet supports me as my little live in pet sitter, so I know my pooches are safe and content, and should anything happen, I’ll be the first to know so I can act on it.

SiiPet is one to watch, mark my words, and if you’re looking for something to enhance your fur families’ lives, then SiiPet is the answer ensuring you are close to your pets, no matter where you are!

Check out their website now!

Watch our unboxing video: