

Brand spanking new meaty treats that really pack a punch!

Brand spanking new meaty treats that really pack a punch!

Harringtons is a family owned and ran dog food and treat company proudly manufactured in Yorkshire. Harringtons are the world’s first Carbon Negative large pet food company, and they have heaps of experience in the industry with an impressive range of food and treats that is ever growing, but never compromising on quality.

Their newest addition to the pack, is their irresistible selection of Meaty treats! They have just launched in the UK and our dogs, Puggy Smalls, Pops, Pomegranate and Pugyay all felt like VIPs when they got a chance to sample them before their release!

These meaty treats are quite simply PERFECT! All four pooches go crazy when they hear and smell the packets opening, and we can confirm that they are irresistible to all our dogs, including our little pup, Pugyay.

These treats are ideal if you wanted to treat your dog with something a little larger than a training treat, but a little smaller than a long-lasting chew. They come in resealable, easy open 70g bags and are such a high-quality reward, we ensure we always have a pack with us to ensure our dogs are on their very best behaviour!

We are lucky that our pooches don’t have any digestive issues or allergies, however, as dog people, we regularly have four legged guests at the house, or joining us on walkies who have allergies to specific proteins. The ingredients list in all these treats are completely transparent which is totally refreshing if you have dogs who need to avoid certain meats. For example, our gorgeous friend Willy the Whippet is allergic to lamb, most fish and beef, so we can guarantee that the new Harringtons duck jerky, chicken sausages and chicken fillets will be totally safe for him to enjoy!

It’s difficult to pinpoint our pooches’ favourites of the four treats, as they really enjoy them all. However, Pops does go particularly crazy for the Beef Meatballs! Pops is a senior dachshund, almost 11 years old, and can get intimidated by large treats, especially if they are too hard. She often turns her nose up at things we offer her and would go without, but these are different. She loves chomping on these meatballs in her own time and they are firm enough to give her satisfaction without hurting her aging mouth and teeth.

Our Pup, Pugyay is almost 6 months old and coming to the end of his teething stage. Not only does his adore the taste of the chicken fillets and duck jerky, but the texture is so perfect for him that he is often found bouncing around and drooling while I open the packs as fast as I can!

Puggy is a very greedy boy and will wolf down anything, but we noticed him savouring these Harringtons meaty treats, he takes his time in a quiet corner and really savours every mouthful, before he begs for more!

Pomegranate is an anxious rescue pooch and can be nervous when treat time comes along as she’s always suspicious and gets overwhelmed when the other dogs get excited. Then along came these meaty treats of her dreams and changed everything! She pushes her way to the front of the pack with confidence and conviction and will do almost anything for one of the meaty chicken sausages!

All in all, these premium treats offer everything a dedicated dog owner could wish for. The company is sustainable, the quality is high, they are tasty, nutritious, and refreshingly affordable!

We have been long term fans of other products in the Harringtons range, but these meaty treats really are the winner in our eyes. With protein as the first ingredient in every pack and free from any artificial colours or preservatives, this is good honest Yorkshire value at its finest!

Tap here to get your paws on these brand new delicious snackies now!

Thank us later…

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