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DreamBags JaguarShoes - Kingsland Road, Shoreditch

Jaguar shoes is probably Pops favourite hidden gem in London. You will find her here tucked away in a corner with a treat and a mug of iced water most days.

Its one of the oldest bars in Shoreditch and for over 16 years has been changing the interior quarterly with working art exhibitions, pop ups, performances, live music and parties.

There is always something going on and there is always something new for the humans to try out. The latest addition to their repertoire is CBD oil coffees and cocktails! It has a really chilled energy and huge windows (which Pops likes to sit and judge people through), a real hipster haunt with a huge heart.

Jaguar shoes is dog friendly, all day everyday. In fact, the staff once said that dogs are not just welcomed here, but heavily encouraged. Pops is treated like a rock star and the staff always come and take her photo for their social media. Its a chilled spot during the day time - full of coffee swigging freelancers, progressively transitioning into a more lively venue throughout the evenings, especially on the weekends. If you have a nervous pooch, its best to avoid the busy nights as it gets loud and busy, but if yours the life and soul of the pawty like Pops, then bring your dog along for a boogie!

Pops top tip - Ask for a can of the michelburger coconut water - its delicious and very good for pooches and humans! Also, have your camera charged, as the interior is ever changing and always looks great for the Gram. Just make sure you’re wearing your best hipster outfit to blend in with the fashion savvy crowd.

Humans top tip - Book a giant table free of charge and bring your pals and pooches along to enjoy their famous meter long sharing pizzas!

Snackies Score - 10/10 would hipster again

Instagram - @Jaguarshoes

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