

petme - the only social network that lets you and your pets be together online as a family

petme - the only social network that lets you and your pets be together online as a family

It’s no surprise that we are absolutely obsessed with our pack of pooches. They are a huge part of our lives, and we love nothing more than going on adventures with them and sharing our memories with friends online to show off any beautiful content and to also store as an archive for ourselves!

We love social media and have amassed a huge following across major networks, but we are here to tell you all about a brand-new social network we have discovered which is all about pets and pet lovers!

Petme is a FREE platform that understands the bond between you and your pets, allowing users to add pets as family members to their profiles, allowing other users to see the entire family as a unit, as well as each pet individually via their dedicated built in pet profiles.

My husband, Nick, and I both have separate Petme profiles, but are both connected to each of our four dogs. Our whole pack, Puggy Small, Pops, Pomegranate and YumYum are visible at the top of our profiles and easily clickable, which is something we absolutely love. Our dogs are all so different in terms of breed, personality, likes and dislikes, so it’s wonderful to show their characters in their own individual profiles, all connected to our larger family network. It all feels a lot more genuine and honest, and I am totally here for it!

With other platforms, we find it tricky bouncing between different accounts with different log ins and usernames, with a human centric focus, but Petme is so well designed and easy to use, every family member is visible and clickable, allowing us to show our adventures as a family who adore their pets.

It’s easy to navigate and you can upload photos and videos without worrying about the algorithms and whether your posts will be seen by your followers. Its user friendly to even the most tech phobic humans, like me and its cleverness appeals to tech lovers like Nick as it’s so simple, yet so smart with many interesting functions!

With other social media platforms being so vast in their content types, its tricky to find things I’m genuinely interested in, and the suggested content if often so wildly far from my interests. What I love about Petme is its honesty. Genuine people with genuine love for their pets and other animals. I find myself scrolling for hours on end with so much cute, funny, and inspirational content all about cats, dogs, and other beautiful pets across the planet.

You can tag people in to posts, like, comment and share so the sense of community is wonderful and even after using it for a few short weeks, I already have a few favourite accounts and dedicated followers.

I must admit my favourite feature is the built-in meme generator. It’s so quick, fun, and easy to use and I am having a blast replicating other memes I have loved over the years and getting creative with new meme ideas to share to my profile.

Petme is designed to be a safe haven for pet owners world-wide, to create and build communities and the one stop app for animal lovers across the globe. For me, personally, animal content has always been Light-hearted escapism from the dramas in the real world, so Petme is the ideal app, showing me nothing but serotonin boosting animals and their wonderful humans who love to share them with the world.

Petme has created a space where pets and people can connect, share, and learn from each other, giving animals a voice and a loving community that I’m so proud to be part of!

Trust me when I say Petme is one to watch, download it now and you’ll see for yourselves why we are so obsessed with it already, and grab your username while you still can!

Click here to download on android or IOS now

Watch my video review and how to’s here:

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